Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy 11 month birthday!

This little cheese ball is almost 1 year old! Tegan is weighing in at a whopping 18 lbs. 4 oz. per my at home weighing. He is just long and skinny! He is cruising all over the furniture but not officially walking. He is not quiet brave enough to take the plunge yet which is fine by me. He is letting go of things and standing on his own and even stood up on his own yesterday using only the curbing in our yard. Tegan's current favorite things are crawling around outside getting into things, watching the airplanes flying over, and banging on his drum as loud as he can. When he takes a bath we have to towel the whole bathroom dry and ourselves as well since he thinks wave pools are fun. For the moment his favorite foods are blueberries, brocolli, and oats with yogurt (as long as he can control the spoon himself. He is way too independent already and I foresee lots of "I do it myself" in our future! On the plus side of this independence he does wander off to the playroom and play on his own for extended periods of time. Such a nice little guy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This project is a TV (42" LCD) that will drop down out of the ceiling. This is early in the build stage. The track actuator is a 30" Firgelli.

Install is tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stanley Cup Replica for sale

Official Size and weight Stanley Cup replica. $1500 obo Contact